As student near graduation, it's important to consider the next steps. Thinking about finding a job can be daunting for parents and young adults. It's often difficult to imagine how a neurodivergent individual will fit in to a new environment, and be successful in the workforce.
The University of British Columbia currently offers and online, self paced cours titled Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace. This course includes 6 modules filled with informative resources and videos. The program is designed to assist human resource professionals, employers, supervisors, managers, co-workers, job coaches and counsellors, autistic employees, parents, students, and anyone interested in inclusive employment to learn practical strategies on how to support all employees to be successful on the job.
We've found this course to be useful for parents and students to better understand how to advocate for accommodations in the workplace. This short program goes into detail, using first hand accounts from autistic and otherwise neurodivergent individuals in easy to understand videos.
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